Makinohara Dukkah – PossibiliTEAs Pt.1


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Teas have a great potential to be applied for multihued usages, foods, sweet stuff, ice creams, food additives (mainly for coloring), medicines, and so on. Because of the possibilities of teas application, I’d like to write selfish new ideas to … Continue reading

The first flush from the tea farm of Ohta-san – Green Wealth for Wellness Pt. 4


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Today I’d like to introduce one of the best specialty teas in Shizuoka. The first flush from the tea farm of Ohta-san. I feel the traditional skill and time-honored mastercraftsmanship in this tea. Infusions from 1st infusion to 3rd infusion … Continue reading

Oguri Farm co. Ltd. “Tsuyuhikari” – Green Wealth for Wellness Pt.3


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Tsuyuhikari is one of the cultivars of tea plants (Camellia Sinensis). It has become more popular due to its brilliant green color in the infusion and sweeter taste. Oguri Farm co. Ltd. provides one of the best “Tsuyuhikari” using strictly … Continue reading

Sagara Yabukita “OOHASHIRI” – Green Wealth for Wellness Pt.2


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Sagara Yabukita is the brand of deep-steamed green tea produced by Sagara Bussan Co. Ltd. This time-honored company had the pioneer of deep-steamed green tea as the 2nd president. He is YAMAMOTO Heizaburo. Sagara Bussan has been preserving and improving … Continue reading

Keemon Black Tea – My Sweet Ambers Pt.4


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Keemon Black Tea is produced by TAKEUCHI Norifumi. The name of this tea is derived from his first name and the respect to the famous Chinese black tea “Keemun”. Chinese characters forming his name can be read as “Ki Mon” … Continue reading

Haru Satoyama Haku – The Expo of Agriculture-Related Cultures in Rural Area


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The Expo of agriculture-related cultures in rural area, named as “Haru Satoyama Haku”, will be held from 5th May to 6th April around Ooi river, involving northern Makinohara upland. This expo of green-tourism has multihued programs in each day, such as … Continue reading

BENIFUKI Premium Tea – My Sweet Ambers Pt.3


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This black tea “BENIFUKI Premium Tea” provided by IMURA-EN has a special aroma like peach!! Especially, I could feel the peach-like fragrance after swallowing the infusion. Of course, when the tea leaves are steeped, the tea releases the fruity smell … Continue reading

Fine Teas at Less Expensive Prices – Green Wealth for Wellness Pt.1


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Green teas provide various benefits for us and improve the quality of our life! To buy fine teas in less expensive price is a common demand all over the world. I have solutions for you. In Shizuoka, we can get … Continue reading

KOHAKU – My Sweet Ambers Pt.2


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Young and highly active tea farmers belonging to Chakura produces original black tea named “KOHAKU”. “Kohaku” means “amber” in Japanese.   The leader of Chakura, Shingo MURATA, has a ruling passion to produce “KOHAKU”. His emphasis is on the fermentation … Continue reading

Sweet Tea Music Around Tea Tables


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On 21st Feb., Makinohara city and local tea stores held a wonderful tea event, named as “Makinohara concerto” in a traditional temple “Sekiyuin”. In this event, participants enjoyed a variety of teas and sweets provided by local companies, exhibition of … Continue reading