Teapotrelay – A New Challenge by Tea Enthusiasts Worldwide

A tea businessman has shared his unique idea, “Kyusu Challenge”, which is the relay post to introduce our favorite teapot on SNS such as facebook with the hush tag “#急須チャレンジ” and pass the baton to the next tea enthusiast. Now the unique challenge has been expanded worldwide with the hush tag “#teapotrelay”.

I tried the #teapotrelay in this post. I’d like to introduce my favorite teapot produced in Tenryu Tea Estate in Shizuoka prefecture, Japan, as follows.

In some occasions, I use the plate-like tea ware “Nanatokusasara”. This unique tea ware is designed by Kaneta Otaen Ltd., one of the most prominent tea farms won MAFF award several times, and made by Mr. Yamaguchi, a master craftsman of Enshu-Tenryu-yaki ware.

Nanatokusasara, described as “七徳茶皿”, is a plate-like shaped tea ware for brewing small amount of tea. We can enjoy the richness of flavor specific to the specialty tea by using this unique teapot.

Nanatokusasara allow us to taste a small amount of rare specialty tea and use the leaves after infusion for cooking easily.

I often use “Nanatokusasara” for brewing the small amount of rare specialty tea. The photo shows I brew the matured Sencha stored in Akihas Shrine on the top of Mt. Akiha.

I often use it when I try cooking tea cuisine. Besides, this tea ware is convenient to observe the appearance of tea leaves. I love observing the change of tea appearance during steeping on the tea dish.

We can enjoy observation of the change of tea leaves during steeping on the tea ware.

The hand-made tea ware enables us to use hot water from kettle because its structure can release the heat and decrease the temperature of soaked water on the dish. So, we can steep well without arrangement of water temperature. Of course, we can use it for cold brewing as well.

The unique tea ware is sometimes sold in tea events which Kaneta Otaen joins. I bought it in the 72nd All JapanTea Festival. Unfortunately, the amount of production is limited. So the tea dish is only sold in tea events in Japan or the retail shop of Kaneta Otaen in Tenryu Tea Estate.

I hope many tea lovers will enjoy Japanese tea including the specialty tea steeped with Nanatokusasara after the convergence of coronavirus crisis.

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