3 days left for World Tea Festival 2016. I’d like to introduce 4 recommended programs in this festival. There are many other programs. As for the others, please check the official webpage. < Respective Programs > (1) Market for the first flush … Continue reading
Hachiju-Hachiya Tea as a Mother’s Day Gift

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Second Sunday of May is Mother’s day in many countries. First flush of Hachiju-Hachiya is recommended as a candidate of the best gifts for mother. In Japan, first tea produced at Hachiju-Hachiya, 1st May in this year, is believed to … Continue reading
Taste-Rich Makinohara Tea Sold in Many Shops!

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Sales of first flush teas gain momentum at the beginning of May. Makinohara tea is popular in Shizuoka city too. Makinohara teas are sold in the fancy and famous store “Kinzaburo” in Cha-machi area, which means town for tea industry, … Continue reading
Divergent TEA is Infinite?

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Don’t you come along my head trip? Today, I’d like to play a word game somehow eccentric. The world has a great diversity of teas. Japanese tea, Sencha, Green tea, Black tea, Oolong, Puer, etc. And the world has a … Continue reading
Japanese Confection “Kashiwa-mochi” with Tea for Children’s Day

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5th May is celebrated as one of the Japanese National Holidays so-called “Children’s Day”. In this holiday, many Japanese eat the traditional Japanese confection, “Kashiwa-mochi”, rice cake containing sweet soy paste wrapped in an oak leaf. Kashiwa-mochi is believed as … Continue reading
Green Tea of Early First Flush by NAITO-EN – Green Wealth for Wellness

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Sales of first flush teas gain momentum at the beginning of May. NAITO-EN, the fancy retail shop of tea products in Makinohara city, has already started to sell the first teas. This shop sells individual packages of each product for … Continue reading
Hien – The first tea produced by Sagara Bussan co. ltd.

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“Hien” is the special tea produced by Sagara Bussan co. ltd. with using special tea leaves plucked at the beginning of 1st flush season. Being specific for Sagara Bussan co. ltd. as “OHASHIRI” do, “Hien” is processed with higher … Continue reading
Hachiju-Hachiya – The best day for 1st flush

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Hachiju-Hachiya means “the 88th day counting from Risshun, the first day of spring”. Generally Hachiju-Hachiya is 2nd May. In leap years, the day is 1st May. This day is special for Japanese tea industry. 1. As a border between … Continue reading
Nippondaira Hotel – One of the best accommodations in Shizuoka

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14 more days left to the World Tea Festival 2016 in Shizuoka. If you will come to Shizuoka, I’d like to recommend “Nippondaira Hotel” as one of the best accommodations in Shizuoka. Points for recommendation are as follows. 1. Wonderful … Continue reading
Sun Shower Blessed Tea Plants

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In April, we often meet spring shower. Sometimes a light spring shower falls while the sun shines as shown below. The phenomenon, a light rain while the sun shines, is known as “sun shower” and this phenomenon has various expressions … Continue reading