Tea Bud Sprouting with the background of Cherry Blossoms

Finally tea buds start opening in Shizuoka.

A tea bud opened in Sumpu park in Shizuoka city.

A tea bud opened in Sumpu park in Shizuoka city.

02 SproutingTea research center of Shizuoka prefecture reported the sprouting rate in its plantation reached 35% on 13th April, which is about 10 days later than normal.

Sprouting tea buds were observed in the Sumpu park in Shizuoka city.

01 thumbnail of tea bud and cherry blossom


Now cherry blossom has been in full bloom in Sumpu park. Many people enjoyed seeing cherry blossom.

02 cherry blossom seeing

Many people enjoyed seeing cherry blossoms.

05 A load of cherry petals on the surface of cannal water

A load of cherry petals on the surface of the canal aroun Sumpu park.

Cherry blossom in full bloom.

Cherry blossom in full bloom.

Contrast of fresh green and pale pink is very beautiful and makes us satisfied!!

A tea bud with the background of cherry blossoms in full bloom.

A tea bud with the background of cherry blossoms in full bloom.

Hopefully you would enjoy seeing cherry blossoms and ornamental tea plants in the Sumpu park.