Cherry Blossoms In Full Bloom

It is colder than the last year, resulting in later blooming of cherry blossoms. The season of full-blooming for ‘Someiyoshino’ has already been reported to be 4/6, 1 week later than the last year.

Today cherry blossoms are still blooming.

Cherry blossom with Camellia japonica

‘Boke’ cherry blossom with Camellia japonica, which is not “Camellia sinensis”.

'Boke' cherry blossoms in full bloom

Cherry blossom in a rainy day. I felt “Sabi” elegance!

In Shizuoka prefecture, we can enjoy seeing cherry blossoms around tea plantation.

Cherry blossom with the background of tea plantation and Mt. Fuji.

Cherry blossom with the background of tea plantation and Mt. Fuji.

01 Full-blooming cherry blossom and tea plantation 02 Cherry blossom tea and mandarine orange plantation 03 Mt. Fuji beyond cherry blossom next to tea plantation 04 cherry blossoms around tea plantation 04 Mt. Fuji beyond tea plantation plain with cherry blossom

Now I miss the landscape in Shizuoka because of my fixed-term transfer to Tokyo.

Even in Tokyo, I can enjoy cherry blossoms reflecting to the surface of green tea.

10 Cherry blossoms reflecting on the surface of green tea

Though nobody knows the result of 1st flush of Japanese tea in the present time, considering the superstition that enough dormancy contributes higher quality of teas, I hope colder climate in this year will make teas much better!