Sagara Yabukita is the brand of deep-steamed green tea produced by Sagara Bussan Co. Ltd. This time-honored company had the pioneer of deep-steamed green tea as the 2nd president. He is YAMAMOTO Heizaburo. Sagara Bussan has been preserving and improving this method, resulting in their prominent products.
The best one of Sagara Yabukita brand “OOHASHIRI” has so high quality and a specific flavor based on its historically established technique of tea processing.
This tea has a special sweet aroma. We can enjoy the aroma from the time we open the package! When I open the package, so sweet and roasty fragrance spreads. Descriptions on the backside of its package explains that tea leaves of OOHASHIRI are fired relatively stronger, resulting in the rich sweetness in its flavor and less astringency. Of course, not only the technique of firing, great efforts of tea farmers also contribute to make the specific flavor.
Generally 1st infusion extracted at lower temperature has more or less delicate sweetness due to umami. 1st infusion of this tea has the sweetness also, but the sweetness is somehow different from general teas.
Beverage with much body like full-bodied wine is considered not so smooth in its texture. But, 1st infusion of this OOHASHIRI has rich body and smooth texture at the same time. I’m eager to measure the viscosity of the infusion and the distribution of hydrodynamic size of polyelectrolytes suspended in the tea infusion.
2nd infusion of this tea has still roasty and sweet aroma. The texture of re-steeped tea becomes more smooth.
Every infusions has smooth texture.
YAMAMOTO Heiaburo, the second generation owner of the company more than 80 years ago, had developed the deep-steaming method for tea processing.

The retail shop of Sagara Bussan co. ltd. exhibits the old photo where YAMAMOTO Heizaburo was evaluating teas.
In the shop of Sagara Bussan, we can see the photo where YAMAMOTO Heizaburo was checking tea quality.